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GT Cup

We are very happy to announce our partnership with the GT Cup Championship for the 2023 season.

GT Cup offer a professional and driver centred race experience and are known for their friendly and relaxed paddock environment. The racing is strongly contested and the GT Cup maintains and enforces driver standards to protect the values we uphold.

This attention to sporting behaviour is central to their growing success and why the GT Cup is attracting manufacturer support in the form of their driver programs. The GT Cup enjoys one of the widest varieties of GT race car grids in the United Kingdom.

Check out the GT Cup calendar for their upcoming season here:

Just letting you know that the Viper GT3 sold a couple days ago via a lead picked up on Motorsport Showroom. It really is a huge amount easier communicating with leads through your platform.

Angus Fender

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British Rally Championship GT Cup Motorsport UK Colin Turkington Classic & Sports Finance Equipe Touring Car Legends