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BSR Flat Patch (pads & feet)



Our BSR Flat Patch is the perfect choice for reliable and accurate results. The 20mm thick patch is custom-made to ensure zero flex, and comes with 150mm adjustable feet. The laser cut handle makes it easy to carry and transport.

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Our BSR Flat Patch is the perfect choice for reliable and accurate results.

The 20mm thick patch is custom-made to ensure zero flex, and comes with 150mm adjustable feet.

The laser cut handle makes it easy to carry and transport.

We've been using this product for over a year now with no problems.

Unlike cheaper folded metal patches, it won't flex and can be customised with smaller or longer feet upon request and can also been anodised aswell if required.


Ben Sharpe

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I like the platform that Harry, Arran and the team have set up. As people with a background in motorsport they know what the seller and buyer is looking for and that reflects in how easy to navigate the site is and how easy it is to get in touch with sellers.

Aaron Scott, Scott Sport

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